Frequently asked questions.

Where do the WOTB writingcamps take place?

Locations for our camps may change over time, but the main location for our writingcamps right now is located in Flevoland, The Netherlands.

Can anyone apply for WOTB?

Anyone who is a professional musician, artist, producer, singer, songwriter, topliner or instrumentalist can apply for our writingcamps.

What is the quality level needed to join WOTB?

The average quality on our writingcamps is industry level. We try to secure a high quality level for the camps, which means that applications will be reviewed and judged based on this aspiration.

What are the costs of participating on WOTB?

The participation fee for one of our writingcamps may differ per camp. Please check out the ‘Camps’ page to see the different writingcamps including the price. The prices include your stay, the food and the travel from the airport to the camp location (and back). Your travel towards the relevant airport is not included; you will have to arrange this yourself.

Does WOTB focus on specific genres?

Writers Off The Block has a big focus on pop music, but it is not required to be a pop writer or pop artist to join. Our writingcamps have a very free setting, which means you can totally decide the writing-approach yourself together with your writing-group! Genres and themes like Soul, R&B, EDM or Eurovision are very common on Writers Off The Block camps.

What happens to the songs after a writingcamp?

After a writingcamp, you and your writing-group can decide what you want to do with the song. Some writers may want to release a song for their artist project, others will choose to pitch the song themselves to other artists or purposes. We will try to pitch open-for-pitching songs as well. Apart from the occurrences where we place a song, we will not take any publishing (or other) rights from the songs that are written on the Writers Off The Block camps.

Who are the organizers of WOTB?

Writers Off The Block was found and is organized by four dutch producers / songwriters / friends; Bas Wissink, Tobi Verheij, Noah Timman and Niels Sakko. Check out the ‘About’ page for more information.